Main line, please call (306)837-2184
Treatment Centre

Integrated Delivery of Evidence Based and Two Eye Seeing programming;
Living in Balance,
Drugs of Abuse,
Personal Wellness
Music and Language
Land Based Programming,
Culture Aftercare Planning,
Culturally Relevant Programming,
Outreach and
participation in Community Based Programming when available.
Teepee Teaching, 7 Sacred Teaching, Sweats, Smudging, Circle and Talking Circles
Horticulture Therapy
Prevention approaches aimed at promoting healthy behaviours such as
Relationship building,
Maintenance of aftercare,
Sexual Wellness & (STBBI) Prevention,
Loss and grief (EDU Therapy),
Naloxone Training
Reconnecting with language and cultural practices.
Support Services
Virtual Care via Virtual Consultation with Nurse Practitioner
Virtual Care via Telehealth
Mental Health Therapist
Pharmacists from Lakeside Pharmacy in Loon Lake
MLTC Registered Dietitian
MLTC 2nd Level Services
SIIT Career Centre
2nd Stage Housing
Suicide Risk Assessment
Native Wellness Assessment
DUSI - Drug Use Screening Inventory
Vulnerability Displacement Protocol
Wellbriety is a “journey of hope and healing for Indigenous peoples seeking recovery from addictions”. The Red Road to Wellbriety came to be as a collaborate effort of many people who provided their recovery stories, their energy, prayers and encouragement to help Indigenous people enter and maintain their Red Road journey and life in Wellbriety. It is designed to help us gain power over ourselves, and to learn to ask the Creator for help in this journey.
Living In Balance
Session 1: Definitions, Terms, and Self-Assessment
Session 2: Alcohol and Other Drug Education
Session 3: Triggers, Cravings, and Avoiding Relapse
Session 4: Planning for Sobriety
Session 5: Alcohol and Tobacco
Session 6: Spirituality
Session 7: Sex, Alcohol, and Other Drugs
Session 8: Stress and Emotional Well-Being
Session 9: Skills for Reducing Stress
Session 10: Negative Emotions
Session 11: Anger and Communication
Session 12: Relapse Prevention Basics
Drugs of Abuse
An education on symptomatology, pharmacology, neurobiology, treatment, and recovery management. Specific drugs discussed include alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, synthetic marijuana, inhalants, prescription drugs, and more. Drugs of Abuse demonstrates the progression of drug abuse to recovery management, from residential treatment sites to outpatient treatment options and sober living.
Culture As Foundation
Culture is an important social determinant of health, and a holistic concept of health is integral part of a strong cultural identity.
This program created an atmosphere of pride and hope for many participants through exposure to culturally relevant experiences like beading.
Land Based Activities
Indigenous culture expressed through language and ways of being has developed through connection to land since time immemorial. The link between the health of the ecosystem and health of the human being is widely recognized, yet Indigenous knowledge is unique in honouring the land as life source.
